Welcome to GroomedBypinkSF!!!!! Where your pets are treated like family with every appointment. I work from home so I don’t have all the restrictions that salons do and I can dote and love on animals the same way owners do and they don’t feel like they don’t wanna go like they do when it’s time to go to the Vet! I want animals to see it as a fun time not an annoying thing that they are required to do!
Creative solutions, creative results.
Hi, welcome to GroomedByPinkSF ! Where animals are loved on, doted on, and there’s even an option to give them an eight hours spa day oatmeal spa bath, two hours of massage plus a groom, haircut, nail trim or nail grind, ear cleaning, face cleansing, and a dental treat to keep those teeth sparkly white!!!!
I pride myself in treating each and every appointment with the upmost comforbility. However, they’re comfortable and getting their nails done getting their haircut however, the animal feels most comfortable is what I do. I believe in freedom after each appointment. Which means I will spend time with them. Play toys with them while they’re waiting on you to pick them up. They will see this as like oh my gosh I wanna go here again I had so much fun! Why you ask? Because I do not kennel after each appointment , give freedom and free range, ( with supervision of course 😉)
Just ask for my waiver forms and I’ll have you sign them before the appointment or the day of the appointment!!! Happy Paws Here Sparkle!!!!!
Monday 11:30am-7:30pm
Tuesday 11:30am- 7:30pm
Wednesday 11:30am - 7:30pm
Thursday 11:30am- 7:30pm
Friday 11:30am - 7:30pm
Saturday closed
Sunday- Closed
Note: If for any reason or emergency flea treatments or D-Matting appointments are needed;
Let me know please I use Saturdays and Sundays specifically for these types of appointments.
I try to make it easy for contact, therefore have several forms of contact so you can get the services you were wanting to get done!